Let’s invest in environmental research and development
Strong partnerships with public institutes and private companies
IAGE interacts with a large number of French public research institutes : CNRS, INRAE, Ifremer, CIRAD, IRD, ENVT, CHU Montpellier.
Some works have been promoted by scientific publications in peer-reviewed journals as well as by joint communications at scientific conferences.

We participate in funded research projects as a research partner to provide our expertise in methodological development :

- Partnership with the Plant Health Institute (PHIM) of Montpellier as part of the MultiVir project (Particle structure, genome packaging and movement in multicomponent viral systems) on MUSE funding
- Partnership with the National Veterinary School of Toulouse in the framework of the DOSE_IA project (Development of innovative tools for environmental surveillance of avian influenza) on READYNOV regional funding
- Partnership with PHIM in the framework of the DIAPASON project (DIAgnostic PyriculArioSe gazON) on the financing Plan France Recovery
- Obépine + partnership for the development of epidemiological surveillance markers
- Participation in inter-laboratory tests in order to standardize a wastewater analysis method with Réseau Sum’Eau
We also work with many private industrial partners in the form of confidential services eligible for the Research Tax Credit (CIR member since 2018).
Valued results to advance research
We promote the results obtained at the end of R&D projects by interacting with Technology Transfer Organizations (OTTs) and Technology Transfer Acceleration Companies (SATTs).
We are a member of the French Association of NORmalization (AFNOR) in the context of revision or writing of ISO standards concerning water quality and molecular biology detection.

Proud of our belonging to regional and national hubs
We are a member of various regional and national competitiveness clusters to develop our collaborations in the fields of application of “One Health” :
- AgriSudOuest Innovation competitiveness cluster for the environment and agroecosystems and animal health
- AquaValley competitiveness cluster for water
- EuroBioMed competitiveness cluster for human health

Involvement in the agroecological transition
We invest in the environment by being:
- Member of the Biocontrol consortium led by INRAE to facilitate the development of bio-control through innovation
- Sponsor of the AgroLab BioMed Chair to improve agriculture in the Pyrénées Orientales department with a view to social and environmental health
- Olivier Couillerot, co-founder of IAGE is a member of the Végéphyl association to promote the protection of plants and the environment through research and development actions
- He is also a member of the Academy of Biocontrol and Integrated Biological Protection (ABPBI) allowing training in biocontrol and the gathering of common skills