The17th National Congress of the SFM was held at the Corum from 3 to 5 October 2022 in Montpellier. We were present at the poster sessions.
The Microbes 2022 congress, “microbiology in all its states”, focused on many themes such as virology, bacteriology, parasitology and many others.
We are delighted to have presented our themes at this event in collaboration with SIAAP research centers, CNRS Hydroscience, SNBT, CNRS-IFREMER, CIRAD, INRAE, ENVT of Toulouse and the University Hospital of Montpellier.
Our experts were able to present their poster under development:
- On turf pyriculariosis presented by Sarah Saadi, DIAPASON project to develop an early detection system for Pyricularia oryzae, responsible for disease on lawns and golf courses.
- On the root rot of peas presented by Jérémy Di Mattia, on the detection of Aphanomyces euteiches which impacts the protein pea and oilseed sector.
- On avian influenza presented by Laetitia PIGEYRE, DOSEIA project aimed at developing a method for early detection of avian influenza in environmental matrices.
- On the WBE presented by Elodie Pichon, on the detection of pathogens and their monitoring in wastewater.
A big thank you to the SFM for allowing us to participate, and see you next year!